Welcome to the New World

Welcome to the New World

By Jake Halpern and Michael Sloan

Genre: Graphic Novel–Realistic Fiction

No part of this story is easy. Syria is in the midst of a civil war and the Aldabaan Family feared for their lives. So, they make the decision to leave and come to America, but they must leave some family behind. They come to a country that is totally foreign to them—it is cold, they get bullied, discriminated against and even over time they get death threats because they are Muslim.  Now they are wondering why they left. I am glad to hear the story of heroes that come in and help this family—no easy task to help them overcome so many obstacles.  I felt the struggle and it pulled at my heartstrings, but I found the story somewhat choppy and disjointed. Then the story just kind of ends —no conclusion  and no real resolution. But still this book is a good example of the fear, distress, distrust and agony that families undergo when they choose to come to the United States.

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