The Butterfly

The Butterfly

By Patricia Polacco

New York:  Philomel Books, 2000.

Grades 2 and Up     Picture Book

This picture book (Historical Fiction) on the Holocaust is based on the author’s family history.  Patricia Polacco had an Aunt by the name of Mbutterflyarcelle Sollilage and her daughter Monique who were part of the French Underground and the Resistance Movement.  Marcello was known for hiding Jewish people under the floor boards of her home unbeknownst to her daughter.  In this story Sevrine, a hidden Jewish girl, got lonely and tired of hiding so one night she showed up in Monique’s bedroom.  The become fast friends, seeing each other only at night—until the night when someone sees Sevrine and they must come out of hiding.  This story has a nice ending for the younger children—might be a good kick off before talking about or reading the Diary of Anne Frank.

Mrs. Reiber Summer Reading Book 3

Goodnight iPad

Goodnight iPad

By Ann Droyd

New York:  Blue Rider Press, 2011.

Picture Book Parody       All ages!Goodnight


This is a take-off on Good Night Moon—only in this household there are way too many electronic devices being used! There is a great big book shelf with nothing on it but cobwebs and three e-readers. Grandma is trying to sleep but the noise is overwhelming—so she institutes Good night iPad –unplugging and throws all the devices out the window. In the end you see all the kids surviving—even reading books! Don’t despair all devices are fully charged in the morning!

This book would be a great kick off for a discussion about unplugging at night and setting limits on time spent being plugged in!  Book is recorded on website: