Hey, Kiddo

Hey, Kiddo

By Jarrett J. Krosoczka

New York: Scholastic, 2018.

Pages:  296  Genre: YA Graphic Novel

This is a great memoir about a severely broken family.  Jarrett was left to live with his grandparents when he was just a toddler. His grandparents truly love him, but they are pretty rough around the edges—grandma is an alcoholic and often really says mean things to Jarrett.  Jarrett frequently wonders just where he belongs.  His mom who is out of prison and drug rehabilitation frequently pops in and out of his life but not when Jarrett needs her most.  His dad split when he was born. Jarrett’s saving grace was he517I7YRvHBL._SX351_BO1,204,203,200_ loved to draw and was good at. Grandparents enrolled him in some art classes, which is where he committed himself to becoming an artist.  Life never got easier as a kid, but Jarrett has proven that your past does not predict your future!  He is the author and illustrator of this great memoir. I loved the author’s note and the art note at the end of the book.  Not to be missed graphic novel!

Definitely, a Young Adult Graphic Novel due to language and addiction’s. For grades 7 and up!

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