Rocket to the Moon

Rocket to the Moon

By Don Brown

New York: Amulet Books, 2019.

Pages: 132.  Grades 5 and Up.

Graphic Novel

In honor of the 50th Anniversary of the Moon Landing Don Brown has written a brilliant graphic novel that depicts the space race between the United States and the Soviet Union (later Russia). Rockets were traveling through space way back in 1865, in Jules Verne’s book, From the Earth to the Moon.  This book proved to be an inspiration for American Robert Goddard, Russian Konstantin Tsiolkovsky and Romanian Hermann Oberth.  These three rocket scientists each were major contributors to the beginning of the space race that began in the early 1950’s. Brown does a great job telling the story of rockets in awesome pictures and words.  Kids will love this graphic novel (as well as adults). Author has included a spaceflight timeline in the back of the book. A must have graphic novel for every library.

Author Website: Don Brown